Back in March, we took in more than 170 animals who’d been suffering from unspeakable cruelty and neglect at a so-called “farm-to-table” operation in Cattaraugus County, NY.
Bob Barker surveying his expansive new pasture.
Zepha runs with daughters Cindy and Laura.
Jack, Daniella, Vera Jo, and Bob Barker running in the pasture.
Zepha, Laura, Cindy, Izzy, Bob Barker, and Daniella going for a run together.
Among the animals who came to our New York Shelter from the Cattaraugus case were three pregnant sheep, Izzy, Zepha, and Daniella. Had these girls remained on the farm from which they were rescued, their babies would have been viewed as nothing more than a product
— lamb meat
rather than the unique and vibrant individuals we have come to know since the happy occasions of their births here at Farm Sanctuary.

Izzy gave birth first, to a daughter, Vera Jo.
Next, Zepha gave birth two twin girls, Cindy and Laura.

Finally, Daniella welcomed twin boys Bob Barker and Jack.
Izzy, Zepha, and Daniella were terrified when they arrived (and Izzy and Zepha are still wary of their human caregivers), but we’re working to help them understand that they and their babies are safe. Since the lambs have never known anything but kindness and care from humans, they are experiencing the world free from the trauma their mothers have known. And at Farm Sanctuary, these mother-child groups will be free to live out their lives together in peace.

Recently, this very special group had a major milestone with their big debut in our main sheep flock (which also includes a small contingent of our gentler goat residents).

Daniella, who had grown used to a smaller enclosure off our Melrose Small Animal Hospital, had a little trepidation about the big move and looked back toward her previous home.

The gang checks out the barn. Will their new friends accept them? (Spoiler alert: Yes!)

Roger goat checks out the newcomers from a short distance.

Roger observing the scene.

Daniella and Jack peer out from the barn.

The group heads out to the pasture.

Checking out the far side of the pasture. Is the grass greener?

The whole gang exploring their new pasture together!

It was a beautiful day for grazing.

This pasture affords much more room to run and play.

When their new flockmates started to head back to the barn, Cindy, Laura, and Zepha hung back, not sure whether they wanted to leave the pasture yet.

Running back to the sheep barn.

Izzy loves a good run.

Izzy checks on the last members of her group to arrive back at the barn.

After spending time out in the pasture, Daniella, Izzy, Vera Jo, and Bob Barker helped themselves to a cool drink.

Daniella watches over “niece” Vera Jo and son Bob Barker.

Daniella and Bob Barker enjoying their water…

…though sometimes Bob Barker (right) and Jack opt for milk instead.

Izzy, Vera Jo, Bob Barker, Daniella, and the rest of the group are loving Farm Sanctuary life — and their spacious new digs! We are so thankful to our incredible supporters, who made it possible for us to rescue and care for this special family, as well as the more than 170 other farm animals we were able to save from such unfathomable cruelty in Cattaraugus County. Thanks to you, they have wonderful lives ahead of them!
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