Carlton Gets a New Lease on Life
Thanks to the help of a neighbor, Carlton calf, whose life looked very bleak, was rescued.
When we received the call about him, we were told that he had contracted flexor tendons, which cause the joint above the hoof to stay bent under, making Carlton walk on his fetlocks instead of his feet. He was living at her neighbor’s house, and was tied up outside.
Not a lot of shade or shelter from the heat.
Having trouble walking but finally in the right place. Arriving at Cornell.
Coming home from the hosptial in my new, shiny trailer.
This is my new and very large barn!
My first time on my new pasture!
Meeting the LA staff and Watkins Glen staff person Sam. With Humanimal Jae Raemos, Caitlin Lamb (not calf?) and Sam Goldstein!
Cleaning the nose- a cute little Val loving his life!
Nom Nom Nom Nom- on solid food to make solid poo!
Growing like a weed, Carlton is certainly not starving now and he is getting closer to the size he should be!
A very happy, happy boy!

Chained by the neck, little Carlton was miserable. Left here with no water or shelter, this little guy was feeling pretty bad.

Meeting humanimal Mario Ramirez and getting ready for his trip to the Nemo Farm Animal Hospital at Cornell University.
Like so many male calves born to the dairy industry, Carlton had been purchased to be raised to sell as beef. He was not in good shape, and due to his leg condition, he had likely been a very cheap calf to purchase.

Bloated belly but otherwise way too thin, this little boy was closer to the size of a calf half his age.
Sadly, there was more going on with this little boy than leg issues, and he was wasting away. Unable to properly digest the milk replacer he had been fed, this calf, who at nine weeks of age was about 100 pounds underweight, was not getting what he needed nutritionally.
Carlton’s condition was a sad sight to see. Thankfully, things were about to change for the better.
His new friend called us to ask for advice, and because so many millions of calves are living in conditions that are as bad or worse, we told her that we could only take on this little boy if the farmer would relinquish him — we could not be involved if he was purchased. Thankfully, the farmer, who had likely noticed that Carlton was not growing or thriving there, was happy to get rid of him.

A very miserable little boy waiting to be seen by the doctors!
He would not eat hay, but only picked at grass at the farm where we picked him up. Because he looked so sickly, we wanted him to go first to Cornell, where he could have a full workup — not only on his legs, but to address the rest of his issues as well. When he arrived at Cornell, he was dehydrated, with harsh lung sounds; a huge, distended abdomen; and watery diarrhea. After a two-week stay at Cornell, where his tiny legs were put into casts to straighten the fetlocks and his other health issues were treated, our boy was able to come home — and what a happy boy he turned out to be.

I see you baby — wearing that cast. Val gets his first peak at the new baby.
He was finally coming home, and we were all so excited to get to know this little boy. And even more excited was his new buddy, who also arrived with and continues to have leg issues — Valentino.

Where is the door?!
When the trailer stopped, Val ran up immediately and sniffed into the open vents — peering in at the little calf. And when he realized that the calf was coming out of the side door, he was there immediately to greet him!

“Finally — he is free!”

“Yikes — you are really big, Adrienne.”
And then came the running — with his tiny, casted leg, this boy ran and ran and greeted every bovine he passed, and then ran some more.

“Wait for me, little Carlton” — Valentino showing his new pal the ropes!
And he is still running. No more casts, no more treatments, and this beautiful little calf, given a second chance at life, is living it to the fullest.

“Wait, Abbie, wait! I love my mash!”
Please share Carlton’s story.
Together, we can encourage awareness and understanding that every calf like him is a unique individual, deserving of our love, care, and respect. With your support, we can continue to promote compassionate vegan living through rescue, education, and advocacy efforts. A compassionate world begins with you!
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