The Trump administration released detailed plans to roll back protections for the imperiled greater sage-grouse. The plans would open up the bird’s vital remaining sagebrush habitat to oil and gas development.
“This move is simply short-sighted.
“A bipartisan coalition of western governors, industries, ranchers and conservationists came together with the federal government years ago in an unprecedented effort to protect sage-grouse habitat and keep the bird from being listed under the Endangered Species Act – an outcome everyone hoped to avoid.
“Ironically, what the Trump administration is proposing puts the sage-grouse on a path toward listing.
“Westerners know that energy development and conservation can co-exist. Just last week, new polling reaffirmed Wyomingites’ interest in preserving the sage-grouse plans. Women and men, old and young, hunters and anglers – all wanted to maintain the sage-grouse plans, expressly opposing reopening these lands to oil and gas production.”
- Mark Rupp, Director of Wildlife Campaign, Environmental Defense Fund
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