EDAF Launches National Ad Campaign In Support Of Climate Security Act

In the run up to an historic Senate vote on comprehensive climate change legislation, Environmental Defense Action Fund has launched a national television advertising campaign to counter special interest groups opposing the Climate Security Act, S. 3036.

"These ads are an effort to mobilize everyone who is sick of having our economy and environment hostage to imported oil," said Keith Gaby, Communications Director for the National Climate Campaign at Environmental Defense Fund. "Americans clearly want action to fix climate change and break our oil addiction, but the interests opposing this bill are well-funded and well-organized."

The Climate Security Act is a common-sense environmental and economic response to the escalating threat of climate change, and the ads call on Senators from both parties to support the bill. Its cap and trade policy will cost-effectively reduce U.S. global warming pollution, lessen our oil dependence, and restore American competitiveness.

Grounded, a television ad that is running nationally and in Washington, D.C., shows a man standing in front of an empty factory. "The Climate Security Act will spur investment in cleaner technology," he says. Suddenly, a barrel of oil falls out of the sky and whacks him in the head, driving him into the ground. After every statement, a barrel hits him, driving him further down. With only his head above ground, he says, "So, no surprise, some in Big Oil want to drive this bill into the ground."

Melt, another ad that begins running today nationally and in Washington, D.C., shows a candle in the shape of a man in a business suit. As he burns, he gives the typical excuses as to why we should not pass climate legislation now. "Sure, climate change is a problem, but let's not rush into anything," he says. As he continues to melt, he offers obtuse excuses as to why America should postpone climate change legislation. With only his lips remaining on a mound of wax he cautions, "Remember: haste makes waste."

Grounded can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ij8rUPoTzPo
Melting can be viewed at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UFehmrVeCsI

Environmental Defense Action Fund
Founded in May 2002, Environmental Defense Action Fund is at the forefront of educating legislators about developing new solutions that protect the natural world. Through grassroots and direct lobbying, EDAF amplifies Environmental Defense Fund's ability to champion laws that are based on science, economic incentives, and, above all, the protection of our environment.

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    1. Hi Sharie,

      Thanks for the heads up. Is it any better now? If not, what exactly are you seeing?

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