Aidan came to Farm Sanctuary because he was in desperate need of a loving home. As it turned out, he would not only receive the care and treatment he required, but would find the love and companionship he needed to enjoy the quality of life he deserved – one where he is allowed to simply be himself, and valued by all he encounters as the unique individual we know him to be.
Aidan hangs back while his best friend Autumn is checking out what all the fuss is about!
Aidan and Autumn enjoy a delicious grassy snack!

While we don’t know much about
Aidan’s early days, he likely experienced unspeakable trauma and neglect.
Aidan was found tied up to a post outside of an apartment complex, regarded as
property that could be disposed of at will. Aidan was also very sick, and had
an upper respiratory infection that required extensive treatment. On top of
this, he was extremely lonely, afraid, and depressed. Goats are herd animals,
and without the comfort of companionship he needed, Aidan health was sadly

En route to sanctuary: A very sickly and terrified Aidan.
Farm Sanctuary staff constantly
monitors several online adoption boards and social media platforms to respond
whenever we discover an animal in need. That’s how we learned about Aidan, who
was taken to a Los Angeles County Shelter while workers searched for a
permanent home. We originally planned to place Aidan in a loving adoptive home
once he was well enough, through our Farm Animal Adoption Network. This program
is crucial in extending our lifesaving rescue, education, and advocacy work to as many animals as
there are unfortunately more animals in need than we can take in
across our three sanctuary locations. Thanks to our pre-screened private
adopters, however, we can help more farm animals achieve the greatest quality
of life possible.

We immediately began an
individualized treatment plan for Aidan, to help get this handsome and nervous guy
Shelter staff conducts comprehensive assessments of every resident, so
we can match each individual with the quality care that is specific to their
unique needs. Over the years, we’ve found that it’s just as vital
if not more
to account for an individual’s emotional well-being as it is for their
physical health. As it turned out, Aidan was more timid and fearful of humans
than we originally thought. So we decided to make him a permanent Farm
Sanctuary resident, to provide the stability and care he needed.

Aidan at Farm Sanctuary’s Southern California Shelter
After convalescing at our Southern California Shelter, we moved Aidan
up to Orland to offer him the space and serenity
he needed to ease into his new life in peace. It was here that Aidan’s life
would change forever
and it all began with his introduction to another
terrified young goat named Autumn.

The timing was just right for Autumn, who had survived his own horror.
Even our wildest dreams could not
have done justice to how amazing the friendship between these two would be.
They are almost never more than a few feet apart, and are always there to
reassure one another in their times of need.

Inseparable: Autumn and Aidan.
Even a small amount of separation causes them stress.
Sometimes while grazing in the pasture, they get separated more often than they’d
like. When one of them lifts his head and realizes this, he sprints right back
to the other’s side.

The two of them make the perfect team. Aidan has found so
much comfort and confidence from his friendship with Autumn that it has made
his life as a Farm Sanctuary resident all the more wonderful. It’s even helped him become more comfortable around the
Farm Sanctuary staff members. He will sometimes slowly approach and just watch
whatever a staff member may be doing, to see if we really are OK to be

After Autumn and Aidan had bonded and begun their healing process together, we knew the time was right for them to join a larger herd. We tried them with a few different goat groups and eventually found the perfect fit for them in a small, energetic band of males:our “bachelor”
goat herd. Here, they are free to roam a large pasture area with one another
and their other herd mates.
Aiden and the “bachelors” in action.
Aidan is a very special guy who just wants to be happy and
free with his goat family
and here at
Farm Sanctuary, we will make sure he is always able to do just that.

Please share Aidan’s
story. Together, we can raise awareness that goats like him are each someone, not something,
deserving of love, care, and respect. With your support,
we can continue to promote compassionate vegan living through rescue, education, and advocacy efforts. A compassionate world begins
with you!
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