HRC announced that hundreds of HRC volunteers will take part in nearly 30 community service events across the nation in a day of service and action honoring the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
“Today we honor a giant, whose enduring legacy of social justice and action continues to guide our path and the paths of all who fight for an America that is more fair, equal and just,” said HRC President Chad Griffin. “As we reflect on Dr. King’s legacy, we reaffirm our commitment to advocating for all members of our community — especially the most vulnerable among us — and to honoring Dr. King’s vision every day in our work, values and actions.”
With the support and involvement of HRC members and supporters, volunteers nationwide will be giving back to their communities through a range of service projects and amplifying the work local organizations and leaders are doing for the most marginalized groups of the LGBTQ community. Efforts include organizing clothing and toiletries donation drives; assembling and distributing care packages of travel-size hygiene items, school supplies and winter accessories; and participating in beautification and small renovation projects.
HRC will partner with 27 service providers and local organizations across 26 cities and regions in living out the values of justice and equality that Dr. King so tirelessly championed. The full list includes: Transgender Community Coalition (Orange County, Long Beach and Palm Springs), AIDS Task Force of Greater Cleveland (Cleveland), Montrose Grace Place and Bering Open Gate (Houston), Zebra Coalition Youth Center (Orlando), Walgrove Avenue Elementary (Los Angeles), Bridge For Youth (Twin Cities), Covenant House Florida (South Florida), All Shades United (Las Vegas), The Family Place (Dallas, Ft. Worth), Morris Home (Philadelphia), Christ Church PDX and Rose City United Methodist Church (Portland), Northwest Middle School (Salt Lake City), Wrenn House and Haven House Services (Durham), Comunidad Colectiva (Charlotte), Lighthouse Youth & Family Services (Cincinnati), SMYAL (Washington), Wanda Alston (Washington), and the Latin American Youth Center (Washington), Youth Care Orion Center (Seattle), Friendship Center (Orange County, Long Beach and Palm Springs), YMCA Linwood (Kansas City), San Diego Youth Services and San Diego Unified Schools (San Diego), Youth Oasis (New Orleans), Hetrick-Martin Institute (New York), Nance Elementary (St. Louis), and Nashville Cares (Nashville).
For more information about service projects around the country, visit hrc.org/MLKDayOfService.
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