NAACP Condemns Bonner & Associates For Fraudulent And Deceptive Tactics Crafted To Mislead Congress

The NAACP issued the following statement regarding forged letters fraudulently sent on behalf of the NAACP to Congressman Tom Perriello representing Charlottesville, Virginia. These deceptive letters, sent by an employee of Bonner and Associates, urged Congressman Perriello to make changes to provisions in the American Clean Energy and Security Act that the NAACP supports.

"The NAACP is appalled that an organization like Bonner and Associates would stoop to these depths to deceive Congress. In this case Bonner and Associates are exploiting the African-American Community to achieve their misdirected goal. These tactics illustrate that discriminatory tactics normally used to deceive voters are now being used to deceive the Congress," stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP's Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy.

The American Clean Energy and Security Act, sponsored by Congressman Edward Markey and Congressman Henry Waxman, contains provisions that would reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create grants for green jobs.

"These letters that were sent to members of Congress in the name of the NAACP are completely false and the NAACP is diametrically opposed to the claims made in the correspondence. The sheer fact that Bonner and Associates used another "front" company called Professional Risk Management Services Inc., to potentially damage important legislation begs the question of how many times have they done this, to deceive the United States Congress," added Shelton.

The NAACP applauds the swift actions of Congressman Edward Markey, Chairman of the House Select Committee on Energy Independence and Global Warming, to open a Congressional investigation and look forward to assisting and cooperating with his committee to investigate this matter, and hopefully put an end to this type of destructive activity.

The letters were fraudulently sent under the name of the NAACP Albemarle-Charlottesville Branch. Branch President, M. Rick Turner stated the NAACP is

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