Chucky, a Father to the Fatherless:

Father’s Day is a wonderful opportunity to
acknowledge the special men in our lives and the influence they’ve had on us.
Whoever they are — parents or stepparents; grandfathers; mentors; or other
father figures — these individuals make an enormous difference in our lives,
helping to instill our most important values. One such value is compassion and we’ve recently seen it displayed by Chucky (aka Sir Charles) in his uniquely tender relationship with
Benedict goat and Scott lamb, two friends in desperate need of a parental figure.

you know, farm animals, when given the opportunity, form close-knit
relationships with each other, just like humans do. The companionship of family
members, whether biological or adoptive, helps them to thrive. Sadly, animals
raised for food and other commodities are prevented from experiencing these
natural relationships by the industries whose profits depend on separating
animal families. At Farm Sanctuary, however, families can stay together
forever. Please share this story and help us honor Chucky and the other fathers of Farm Sanctuary.
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